Anthony Ngugi, PhD, MSc
Anthony Ngugi’s global work focuses on strengthening health systems in areas in low and middle income countries. His interests in global health equity align with the Center's themes of strengthening systems for health and providing technical solutions. He developed and currently leads the Kaloleni-Rabai Health and Demographic Surveillance System (KRHDSS) in the coast of Kenya. KRHDSS is a regularly updated demographic and health information registry of more than 90000 residents of a geographically defined region, which builds the capacities of the local communities and health system for data generation, interpretation and use to inform health action. This system also serves as a population health research platform, providing infrastructure, networks and resources for supporting population health research and programs. His work also explores approaches through which community health systems can become more sustainable, in particular through enhancing the retention and motivation of trained community health volunteers. Ngugi’s interests have expanded to the application of data science approaches to predict population health outcomes, including the use of modeling to improve the allocative efficiency of health interventions.