A Home for Changemakers & Best
The Center for Global Health Equity at the University of Michigan champions collaborative efforts to address health disparities in low- and middle-income countries. We are a home for innovative problem solvers who want to make a lasting change in the world in close partnership and collaboration with leaders, researchers, and individuals in low- and middle-income settings around the world. Embedded within the University of Michigan, we help our partners leverage the latest in the cutting-edge research and the unrivaled expertise available across our three campuses.

Our History
Established as a beacon for interdisciplinary cooperation and an embodiment of humanitarian commitment, the University of Michigan's Center for Global Health Equity traces its origins back to formative discussions in 2016 between two leaders in global health equity with strong ties to the University of Michigan: Tachi Yamada and Joe Kolars. Inspired by their shared vision of reducing health disparities worldwide, these conversations set the stage for the creation of a hub dedicated to advancing health equity scholarship here at the University of Michigan.

Tadataka Yamada, M.D. and Leslie D. Yamada
Challenge Groups
Our Challenge Groups are the cornerstone of the center’s collaborative initiatives. Each group focuses on specific thematic areas of global health, facilitating targeted research and action. Currently, we have four active Challenge Groups, each aligned with critical global health priorities: Climate Vulnerability and Health, Data Science in Global Health, Designing for Impact in Global Health, Empowering Women and Communities.

Communities of Practice
Within the center, a community of practice is an organized, thematic grouping of faculty who are collectively addressing broadly significant and globally relevant issues. These communities bring together experts from various disciplines to immerse themselves in collaborative research, knowledge exchange, and innovative problem-solving, transcending traditional academic boundaries. Our inaugural community of practice focuses on Vaccine Equity, engaging faculty to tackle disparities in vaccine access and distribution that affect populations worldwide.

Country Platforms
Country-specific platforms within the center are designed to bridge the gap between University of Michigan faculty and local leaders, clinicians, and community members in various regions around the world. These platforms forge strong, bidirectional partnerships to drive interdisciplinary research, capacity building, and clinical training tailored to the unique needs of each country. By strategically sharing knowledge and resources, these platforms enable high-impact projects aimed at enhancing healthcare delivery and outcomes. Our inaugural country platform is based in Ghana.